Let us introduce ourselves

Rotterdam Estate Makelaardij is a fast-growing real estate agency formerly located in Kralingen, but since 1 September 2019 we are located on Parklaan 8. The employees Jaap Heeres and Jelle van Druningen collectively provide top quality, a correct and transparent way of communication and personal attention.

Thanks to the successes of many sales in Rotterdam, we have been able to make many people happy! Getting the right people in the right place is very important to us. In addition, we are also very active with investors. Through our cooperation with Rotterdam Apartments, which focuses on renting out homes, we have established a very large customer base. So many homes are being sold even without being placed on Funda!

All in all we love the profession and we are always looking for a challenge! So if you are interested in selling, buying or valuing your property, please contact us quickly for an informal and cost-free conversation!

Our working hours are: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00.

Our staff will be happy to assist you.

Team Rotterdam Estate